government securities

available at all K&H branches

  • various returns, fix, step-up or floating rate coupons
  • bonds issued after 1 June 2019 are exempt of interest rate tax



government securities are secure form of investment


they can be sold on the secondary market (securities market) at market price at any time, however, please note that from 22 January 2025 K&H Bank will be obliged to purchase up to HUF 10 million nominal value per shareclass and per investor per (subscription) day of the Premium Hungarian Government Bond shareclasses.


wide range of tenors

  • government securities can be purchased through:
    • primary market (the market where new issues are sold) at auction or via tap issue depending on securities type
    • secondary market (the market where issued securities already in circulation)
  • tax payable on the income from government securities, classified as interest income, is deduced from clients in accordance with the prevailing legislation
  • bonds issued after 1 June 2019 are exempt of interest rate tax persuant to the Hungarian Personla Income Tax Act


Government securities are kept on securities account.


announcement on investment services and securities
general terms and conditions for investment and complementary investment services provided by K&H Bank

Premium Hungarian Government Security (PMÁP)

Bonus Hungarian Government Security (BMÁP)

Fix Hungarian Government Security (FixMÁP)


transferable, interest-bearing government security issued in dematerialised form (registered electronically)

transferable, interest-bearing government security issued in dematerialised form (registered electronically)

transferable, interest-bearing government security issued in dematerialised form (registered electronically)


HUF 1 from 29 September 2022 (previously HUF 1000)




3-10 years

3 and 5 years (previously 4, 6 and 10 years which sale was ceased after 1 June 2019 by ÁKK- these tranches are not distributed by K&H Bank)

3 years


floating-rate-interest-bearing securities, with annual coupon payment

coupon consists of interest base linked of previous year Hungarian consumer price index published by KSH and a premium

date of interest rate fixings and the premium level are set out in public offering circular of the tranches

repayment of the principal is due in lump sum at maturity 

floating-rate-interest-bearing securities, with quarterly (previous tranches with annual) coupon payment

coupon consists of interest base which equals to the a weighted avarage of 4 successful 3-month-discount-treasury bill auctions prior to the fixing date and a premium

date of interest rate fixings and the premium level are set out in public offering circular of the tranches

repayment of the principal is due in lump sum at maturity 

fixed-interest-bearing, quarterly.


varies by day subject to market price

varies by day subject to market price

varies by day subject to market price


daily tap issue

daily tap issue

daily tap issue

stock exchange listing

not listed at the Budapest Stock Exchange

not listed at the Budapest Stock Exchange

not listed at the Budapest Stock Exchange


resident or non-resident natural persons

resident or non-resident natural persons

resident or non-resident natural persons

target market

customers with expenses and income in Hungarian forints

customers with expenses and income in Hungarian forints

customers with expenses and income in Hungarian forints

sales limit

its amount is determined in the Prospectus and the Public Offering

in case of the 3- and 5-year series its amount is determined in the Prospectus and the Public Offering

its amount is determined in the Prospectus and the Public Offering



Hungarian Government Bond (MÁK)

Discount Tr easury Bill (DKJ)

Hungarian Government Security Plus (MÁP Plus or MÁP+)


transferable, interest-bearing government security issued in dematerialised form

transferable, noninterest-bearing government securities issued in dematerialised form (registered electronically)

transferable, interest-bearing government security issued in dematerialised form (registered electronically)


HUF 10 000

HUF 10 000



3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20 or 30 years

sold for a 3-,6- and 12-month-term in the primary market but they can be purchased for any remaining term in the secondary market within a year

5 years


typically a fixed-interest securities but floating rate versions are also issued


fixed-interest-bearing securities, with step-down up coupon rates coupon paid in securities - in the same trench during the tenor and in cash on maturity

repayment of the principal is due in lump sum at maturity 


interest is paid annually or semi-annually
varies by day subject to market price

equals to the discount rate, i.e. the difference between the face value and the purchase price

varies by day subject to market price


at auction

at auction

daily tap issue

stock exchange listing

listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange following issuance

the six-month and twelve-month discounted treasury bonds are listed on the Budapest Stock Exchange following issuance

not listed at the Budapest Stock Exchange


Discount Treasury Bills may be purchased by natural and legal persons, other entities without legal personality

Discount Treasury Bills may be purchased by natural and legal persons, other entities without legal personality

resident or non-resident natural persons

target market

resident or non-resident natural persons, without limitation

resident or non-resident natural persons, without limitation

customers with expenses and income in Hungarian forints

sales limit



its amount is determined in the Prospectus and the Public Offering

We draw your attention to the consumer protection website of Financial Navigator Advisory of the National Bank of Hungary where you can find useful product descriptions and various applications for comparison (loan calculator, budget calculator for households).

The present information is a marketing communication and it does not qualify as an offer, it is intended merely to attract attention. For a detailed description and conditions of the product, service, please consult the client contract, the General Contracting Terms and Conditions for Banking Services requiring Electronic Identification, the General terms and Conditions on Investment Services, the current K&H Bank’s announcement on the bank accounts, deposits, cash transactions, bankcards and investments of premium banking clients and the current announcement on the bank accounts, deposits, cash transactions, bankcards and investments of private banking customers. The Bank reserves the right to modify conditions.