K&H home loans

  • with up-front fee discounts
  • interest discount opportunity
  • APR: 7,5–8,6%

the K&H green home loan product has been launched with a wide range of loan purposes!

  • for purchase
  • for purchase & renovation (2in1 loan)
  • for construction
  • for renovation
  • for modernization

the price of the energy certificate is refunded!

for details and conditions, please visit any K&H branch.

The green product name is not based on a full assessment of the conformity criteria of the EU Taxonomy Regulation. The loan programme is in line with the terms and conditions of the Green Capital Allowance for Housing Programme announced by the MNB.

K&H home loan calculator

loan amount
= month(s)
0 result(s)
interest period intalment interest rate APR total amount to be repaid total interest discount  
interest period intalment interest rate APR total amount to be repaid total interest discount  
result of your calculation
monthly repayment
loan amount

The calculation is based on a non-subsidised K&H home loan with standard up-front fees and standard conditions as stated in the relevant Announcement, assuming that those conditions remain unchanged throughout the entire term.  
The annual interest rate and thus the monthly instalments are decreased by the chosen interest discounts. This calculation does not constitute an offer and does not replace the standard credit.
Representative example for qualified customer friendly mortgage loans with 5 years interest period:
For HUF 12 million loan with a 240-month term, with a variable annual interest rate of 7,19% (based on 5Y interest rate period); with home insurance and online discount, monthly repayment instalment HUF 94 409, total amount to repaid HUF 22 866 800, total loan charges HUF 10 866 800; within this latter, fees and costs HUF 208 640. The annual percentage rate (APR) is 7,6%.
The loan is provided by K&H bank. Number of instalments: 240. The loan is secured by real estate mortgage. Property insurance must be taken out for the real estate securing the loan.

are you interested in other loan goals? interested

should I choose a fixed or floating rate loan?

When you choose a long interest period, the interest rate risk is typically lower.

In case of a longer interest period, the responsibility of the interest rate risk belongs to the Bank.
Therefore, a longer and more expensive interest period can be interpreted as an insurance against unfavorable (and favorable) future interest rate changes.

Whether you choose a fixed or floating rate loan can also be influenced by legal conditions. The aim of the legislation is to enable the borrower to become indebted to a lesser extent with a risky loan (variable interest rate).

Furthermore, the maximum amount of credit that can be taken out depends on the income and the chosen interest period. The aim of the governing legislation (MNB Decree 32/2014 (IX.10.)) is to avoid over-indebtedness.

In the table below, you can see how much of the certified income can be spent on loan installments, at the given income level, and based on the interest period of the loan you intend to borrow

value of monthly net income

interest period

less than 5 years

at least 5 years, but less than 10 years

at least 10 years or fix

x% of income can be spent on loan installments


Monthly net income below HUF 600,000





net monthly income of at least HUF 600,000 or more




So your decision can be greatly influenced by the statutory requirement for the burden of income and how important it is for you that the interest rate does not change over the term.
Available options: 5 years or 10 years, during which the repayment installments are unchanged.

Qualified consumer-friendly loan

In case of fix rate for 5 years, 10 years or fixed for the whole term while the repayment instalments are unchanged within the chosen term.

Our loans have received (except K&H green mortgage) the Qualified consumer-friendly rating.

With the K&H repayment-reducing loan, customers with an immediate repayment history can redeem their forint- or foreign currency-based real estate-backed loans provided by any bank. By switching, they can also save significant amounts compared to the current monthly installment (if the conditions of the loan to be redeemed are less favorable than recommended).

why should you choose k&h home loan?

starting fee discounts:

  • we will refund you the notarial deed fee up to a maximum of HUF 40,000
  • we do not charge a contract fee
  • we refund the valuation fee for one property
  • we take over the fee for the title deed and, if necessary, the copy of the map
  • if the conditions are met

interest rate discounts:

  • discount for home insurance with K&H (0.1% discount from the transaction interest)
  • an additional 0.2% discount if you take out K&H life insurance or K&H payment protection insurance
  • home insurance and risk life insurance interest rate discounts are exempted for loans with an interest rate fixation of more than 10 years
  • these interest discounts may be combined

managed from home:

  • meeting at the bank branch is necessary only when we concluding the contract
  • we make a preliminary credit review over the phone
  • it is sufficient to submit the application documents by e-mail
  • we will notify you via SMS or telephone when the main points of the process are reached

discount conditions

fee discount conditions

In our current promotion, the following up-front costs are waived, refunded, or paid by the Bank for loan applications accepted:

  • the notarisation fee is refunded (up to HUF 40,000) if you have a K&H “kényelmi”, “maximum” or “kényelmi plusz” account package and keep it for five years from contracting, or if you open a new K&H “kényelmi plusz” or K&H “prémium” account and service package and keep it for five years from contracting
  • we refund the entire fee charged for appraisal / technical inspection (for one property real estate, for the first time)
  • we pay the price of obtaining a title deed and any map extract required for the appraisal / technical inspection (up to two title deeds and one map extract for one property, provided that these documents can be downloaded from the TakarNet system)

The following discounts are also available concerning up-front fees:

  • the entire contracting fee is waive
  • we pay the price of obtaining a title deed and any map extract (up to two title deeds and one map extract for one property, provided that these documents can be downloaded from the TakarNet system)

The fees and costs waived or paid by K&H Bank must be paid by the borrower if the loan is fully prepaid or terminated within two years from contracting (or within a shorter loan term) for a reason not attributable to the Bank, or if the repayments are made from any other account than the Client’s retail bank account with the Bank.

interest discount conditions

  • 0.1% discount from the transaction interest if you have or take out K&H home insurance for the real estate securing your loan, and maintain that insurance during the entire term (except for loans with an interest rate fixation of more than 10 years).
  • K&H life insurance or K&H mortgage insurance discount 0.2% discount on the transaction interest. You must have K&H life insurance, K&H life insurance with a credit protection clause or K&H mortgage credit protection insurance and pay the premium until the end of the term. If you have no regular-premium K&H risk life insurance but want this discount, then you need to take out K&H risk life insurance (with a loan collateral clause), maintained until the end of the term.
  • Home insurance and risk life insurance interest rate discounts are exempted for loans with an interest rate fixation of more than 10 years.

The interest rates might be combined, but the final interest rate cannot be lower than the minimum interest rate described in the Announcement.

The above interest discounts are not available if the installment account is any other than the client’s retail bank account with K&H.

other favorable conditions

additional benefits during the term:

  • free interest period change during the term in the interest change period
  • free prepayment option up to twice a calendar year, with a maximum amount of two monthly installments per year, up to a maximum of one monthly installment in case of prepayment twice a year
  • there are no additional monthly fees (such as handling fees) in addition to the transaction interest
  • with an extension of the term, the repayment may be further reduced

text message notification about the loan application status

Take advantage of this new service to keep notified of the status of your application. Follow up the procedure so that you can schedule your arrangements related to the transaction. And the service is free of charge, too!

A text message is sent to your mobile phone about the following events:

  1. appraisal ordered
  2. application approved
  3. loan agreement drafted
  4. loan disbursed

loan application process

Our new process allows you to decide when and where to arrange your loan application, it is sufficient to go to the bank in person only when you sign the contract.

  • If you are thinking of borrowing, please ask for a callback on our website or visit the nearest K&H branch. Our colleagues will help you to choose the most appropriate loan based on your needs.
  • Upon your request, we will prepare a preliminary loan appraisal free of charge based on the data you have dictated, and at the same time you can find out the expected amount of repayment.
  • During the conversation, you can choose how you want to process the loan application in the future (at a K&H bank branch or online).
  • After that, we will send you an email with the needed documents for the application.
  • The credit expert of the K&H bank will contact you.
  • You must send the completed, signed and scanned (photographed) loan application documents and the documents required for the credit assessment to the credit expert by e-mail.

 We will send you an SMS about ordering the valuation

  • In case of complete documents, you don’t need to take further action on the review.
  • The loan claim is assessed on the basis of the appraised property and the proven income. The necessary valuation is ordered by a K&H loan expert. The valuation fee is also refunded in case of one property.
  • The appraiser will contact you to have a look at the property at an agreed time. The appraiser determines the market value of the property, of which the Bank normally lends up to 80%.
  • After that, the credit expert will contact you by phone to agree on the date of concluding the contract, and will inform you about the essential content elements and conditions of the loan. 
  • In case of a positive review, the Bank will prepare the loan agreement for you.
  • Before concluding the contract, we will send you the draft contract by e-mail, which we will provide at least 3 days to review. Our offer is valid for 15 days.

 We will send you an SMS about the credit assessment decision

  • When concluding a contract, you must sign the completed documents on paper form, which have been already returned by e-mail to the bank branch. You must also present / submit the original documents required for the credit assessment.
  • The credit expert will check that the original documents match the documents sent by email. In case of discrepancy, the Bank will not maintain its offer, it will be considered as a new application.
  • Then comes the signing of the loan agreement.
  • The loan agreement must be notarized. We also help you with this administration.
  • We also accept the authentic publication of the notarial deed in electronic form, sent by a notary public to the bank's portal from „Cégkapu” webpage. You can still sign the notarial deed only in person at the notary's office.

 We will send you an SMS about the completion of the loan agreement

  • We transfer the amount of the loan to the person specified in the sales contract.
  • The Bank's lien will be registered on the property until you repay the loan.
  • After disbursement, as agreed in the loan agreement, ensure that the amount of the installment is available in the specified bank account at all times.

 We will send you an SMS about the disbursement

loan amount, interest rate and loan term

loan amount available: HUF 2–100 million

loan interest rate: depends on the interest period chosen

  • 5-year interest period: fixed interest within the interest period
  • 10-year interest period: fixed interest within the interest period
  • fixed interest period within the whole term

loan term:

depends on the interest period chosen

  • 5 year interest period:5–30 years
  • 10-year interest period:15–30 years fixed interest period within the whole term: 5–30 years

credit approval

  • K&H’s pricing is risk-based, i.e. the interest rate always depends on the final risk rating of the loan transaction. Six transaction rating categories have been established for home loans; see our Announcements for the interest rate level assigned to each transaction rating category.
  • The maximum financing ratio (i.e. the ratio of the loan amount to the market value of the real estate offered as collateral) is 80%.
  • This product requires property insurance.

payment protection insurance – if safety matters

If timely debt service even in the case of an unexpected event (unemployment, illness, permanent disability, death) is important to you, then choose K&H’s mortgage payment protection insurance to go with your new loan. The monthly premium of this optional payment protection insurance is merely 6,4% of the repayment instalment. The service is provided by K&H Insurance. ​

interest rate modification

5- or 10 years interest period:

The interest rate may be modified at the beginning of each interest period according to an interest rate modification indicator, which is a publicly available ratio that objectively reflects any change in circumstances beyond the bank’s control. If the interest rate modification indicator is used, the loan rate may only be increased or decreased for reasons beyond the bank’s control. The National Bank of Hungary defines and publishes the rules on the calculation and applicability of the interest rate modification indicator; if it is applied, banks may only increase or decrease the loan rate according to the indicator.

fixed interest period within the whole term

That means that the interest rate and the monthly installment cannot change in the whole lifecyle of the loan.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I apply for a loan?

Via the TeleCenter or at any K&H branch.

What does BUBOR stand for?

The Budapest Interbank Offered Rate, which changes in line with the central bank’s base rate.

For what purpose can the loan be taken?

For real estate purchase, construction, modernization, renovation, or refinancing a HUF-based mortgage loan taken out for any of these purposes.

What types of loans exist?

Qualified Customer Friendly Mortgage Loan for home purchase, construction, renovation and refinancing for 5, 10 year interest periods and fixed interets for the whole term.

K&H green mortgage for purchase, construction and modernizationfor 5, 10 year and fixed interest period.


General Terms and Conditions
General Terms and Conditions of retail loans

We draw your attention to the consumer protection website of Financial Navigator Advisory of the National Bank of Hungary where you can find useful product descriptions and various applications for comparison (loan calculator, budget calculator for households).

This material does not constitute an offer. The Bank reserves the right to change the conditions. A detailed description of the product and its terms and conditions can be found in the relevant loan contract; the General Contracting Terms and Conditions applicable to retail loans; in K&H Bank’s General Terms and Conditions; and the Announcement on K&H’s personal loans, which can be viewed in our bank branches and on the www.kh.hu website.

The fees, costs and interest rates in the above advertisement have been defined according to the Announcement on K&H’s personal loans. The calculator constitutes a representative example. See the “list of documents required for consumer loan application” under the “documents” tab for the specific documents required for loan application, or visit a K&H branch for further information. The approval of a loan application is always subject to evaluation by the Bank.