2023. szeptember 04.
it can happen at the worst moment. It is very annoying - but you need to keep calm!

what is ransomware?

Blackmail and malicious code are bad enough in themselves. When they strike together, it is really frightening. Unfortunately, it happens quite often these days and usually great damage ensues. Good news is there is protection. But first, let’s take a closer look at the problem.

The criminals behind ransomware try to insert some malicious code into unsuspecting persons’ computers or smartphones, that has the capability of locking up those devices, or encrypting or deleting the data stored in them. The attack can come through e-mail, websites, or text messages. Ransomware can raise its ugly head at any time, in any country. The criminals demand money for deactivating the ransomware or restoring your files.

Suppose your device has been infected with ransomware: do not pay to the criminals. Firstly, it is not sure at all they will let you off the hook. Secondly, if you pay up, you may get another piece of ransomware on your device pretty soon. Thirdly, if you pay up, you convince the criminals they have a lucrative business. Conclusion: never pay to the criminals behind ransomware. The solution is much more prevention. If you receive a suspicious e-mail, or one from an unknown address, do not open it or its attachment. Delete it immediately instead. Do the same to text messages sent from suspicious telephone numbers.

Always be up to date. Keep the operating system of your computer or smartphone updated. This helps a lot in protection. Guarding your device with an antivirus and firewall is the best solution in software protection. The companies that develop them react very quickly to emerging new ransomware. Again: the best protection against ransomware is prevention. Also, you should regularly back up your data to an offline medium. This is an external data storage device (hard drive, SSD, pen drive, memory card, etc.) that is only connected to your primary device when making a back-up. Since this back-up device remains offline most of the time, ransomware will not encrypt it and most of your data remains safe and secure.

If you still get some ransomware, switch off your device and contact a specialist who can clear the malicious code. Unfortunately, restoring your files is impossible in most cases, except when you have an offline backup. In that case, at least the data you created before the backup date will be available again. Another reason why you should take care of prevention!

Protect yourself from online fraud. Be security-conscious.

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