K&H SZÉP Card acceptance point finder

Szep Card search

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Zalaco Lenti

8960 LENTI, KOSSUTH UTCA 3. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Nagyatád

7500 NAGYATÁD, ÁRPÁD UTCA 71. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Nagykanizsa Fő tér

8800 NAGYKANIZSA, FŐ ÚT 2. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Nagykanizsa Magnetic

8800 NAGYKANIZSA, MAGYAR UTCA 187. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Nagykanizsa Muskátli

8800 NAGYKANIZSA, DEÁK TÉR 13. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Nagykanizsa Sabján

8800 NAGYKANIZSA, SABJÁN UTCA 10. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Nagykanizsa Vásárcsarnok

8800 NAGYKANIZSA, KALMÁR UTCA 6. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Pacsa

8761 PACSA, SZENT ISTVÁN TÉR 16. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Sárvár Batthány

9600 SÁRVÁR, BATTYHÁNY UTCA 8. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card

Zalaco Sárvár Hunyadi

9600 SÁRVÁR, HUNYADI UTCA 8. type of acceptance: POS terminal digital card
no element fitting this type is found.